Really great game! I beat them all like 6 times.Jesus aint hard.I beat Zombie Jesus 5 times WITHOUT DIE!!! Jesus very very very very Easy! And im saying its "SPOILERS" medals.
Wako - Beat barevly first,and then the Wako,DONT CLICK "Begin" NOT THE FU**** MIDDLE IN THE BATTLE!! Now you see black,no weapon,CLICK THE LEFT,and then,it says "WANKO",and get the reward...hehe...wanker.
Hans - Let Hans shoots,he wont shoot you,he shoot himself,and get the REward!
The Terrorist - Start the Battle,click Begin,Dont wait! click on the terrorist Torban/Hat,and then theres a Button,Click no,nothing to be happen just get a medal,and then click Yes.
When you Finished the game,Click QuickDraw demo,NOT REPLAY.
The first guy - Let him shoot you,and then have a medal. :D (Ya know this medal is helpful?)
Good,Great,Shoot or be shot,Kill or Be Killed,F*** the F******,UP!
*Voted 5.
*High Five*